
This isn’t one of the looks from today but I could not resist using my colorful stuff on Jessika for a little mini photo shoot.

This girls gonna be caking. I just know it. She is a gorgeous, fierce, unbothered Brazilian signed to Marilyn and she totally made my day.

Thanks to her I wasn’t left alone singing and dancing on set to cheesy amazing R & B/ Pop hits courtesy of Pandora. 

The beauty story we shot today was the polar opposite of what you see Jessika sporting here. We went a bit ape shit, to say the least. But her hair was so naturally sexy and shiny and hold-y that I had to give it its own moment to just be fab.



From today.

This was the second major look change for the model on set today. A little something old but new-y, at the same time.

You cant tell but theres a few highlighted clip-ins in there, tons of hairspray and a few hair pins as well.

Get into my Hipstamatic skills too. They’ve become quite goooood.


Hair Hommage

Dolly Parton is hair royalty in my book. Dolly’s hair is LEGEND, through and through and one could only wish for the day someone requests a similar look in this day and age. That hair stays lifted to the heavens and curled for the gods in sheer perfection always.

Not at all for the faint of heart, big sexy hair is definitely for a special type of gal. If you’re that, here’s what I’d recommend:

Tools: Velcro rollers, AquaNet hair spray, teasing comb or brush, small to medium round brush (Moroccan Oil showed above)

Round brush your hair in neat horizontal sections. 

After each section is dried, take the still-hot section and wrap it around a velcro roller and secure.

Once the whole head is set, let it sit while you beat your face/talk shit on the phone/watch some YouTube vids.

Then, after the hair has completely cooled, release the hair from the rollers.

Starting from the top center of the crown, take medium sized sections and give a light, quick blast of hair spray and tease for your life, honey. Continue to work in this fashion until you reach the shape/height of your dreams.

One final blast of some old school Aquanet hair spray all over and you should be good to go.


Miss Gabby is giving laid back glam for February’s issue of Glamour.


This hair is completely on trend as women are moving slightly away from the super styled Kim K/ Victoria’s Secret curls to a more relaxed and lived in look for everyday wear.

Feeling it? Try it out.  Here’s how:

Give your roots (around your face) a bit of lift with a large barrel brush such as the T3 one shown above.

Next, go in with a medium sized curling iron and, alternating directions, wrap medium sized sections of hair around the iron.

Lastly, using a large paddle brush (See Paul Mitchell 427 brush) gently separate the curls and finish with a light hold hair spray such as Moroccan Oil’s Luminous Hair Spray.

And fin.